Justice sector employers are building a better criminal justice and community safety landscape, creating a highly-skilled, effective and strategic workforce to improve public trust.

In today’s world, the public are demanding change more than ever before. From the way communities need protective and preventative policing, to the support needed to rehabilitate detainees. This brings new challenges and demands for justice sector employers – including police authorities. Only through a skilled and effective workforce can crime prevention and rehabilitation be improved by justice organisations, meeting the needs of the communities they serve.
At Skills for Justice, we help police forces and prison and probation services, both locally and nationally, to adopt skills and training programmes and create new ways of working.
Our aim is to work with government bodies and services to achieve better outcomes for the public and better experiences for the workforce. Our workforce development training helps justice sector employers to function effectively, improve apprenticeship programmes, find ways to invest in learning and development, recruit and retain skilled staff and predict future workforce challenges.
Helping to enhance the workforce within police forces and prison services
Workforce planning
We help organisations meet and manage current and future service needs.
Qualifications and apprenticeship support
Experts in the design and delivery of justice sector apprenticeships.
Research and evaluation
With a unique blend of expertise, we deliver world-class research and evaluation solutions across the public sector.
Learning solutions
Supporting sustainable training and quality of learning opportunities.
Our clients
Our unrivalled industry knowledge and experience have seen us work with many of the sector’s most influential and highly respected organisations. We are trusted to deliver high-quality and impactful programmes and practices that ultimately improve the delivery of services on the front line.
With a Skills for Justice membership, our workforce becomes yours. Should any new issues arise, our skills development specialists will be on-hand to help you navigate the skills agenda.
Whether your workforce development programmes have been impacted due to COVID-19, you’re one of the many police forces focused on the Police Uplift Programme, or you need help with training, assessment, or apprenticeships. Becoming a member provides you with exclusive access to people and skills experts to help deliver on your workforce needs.
What our clients say
“Ambit helped us think about how to align core G4S values with the main areas of organisational life, so we are able to offer excellent support and opportunities to those we care for and get the best from our people through ongoing development and recognition of their achievements.”
What our clients say
“The Skills for Justice team were invaluable to us to deliver this result. This required exceptional support and project management from the team to bring several organisations together working to the strictest of deadlines. Staff feel more valued and have greater transferable skills. We are confident that they will progress their careers in the sector.”
What our clients say
“We feel valued as members with regular and worthwhile communication and visits.”
What our clients say
“Our project was about trying to bring more rigour in. Checking what skills everybody needs, and making sure we’ve supported them in getting those skills. The ambition in working with Skills for Justice was accreditation – to design a bespoke customised certificate of achievement in inspectorate skills.”
What our clients say
“The Skills for Justice consultancy experts helped us, but also allowed us to speak when we needed to change things. They completely understood the needs of the sector, but most importantly, they understood how to accommodate the learning requirements within the really restrictive environments that we work in.”
Case studies
Leadership and management coaching for the Ministry of Justice
We recently helped the Ministry of Justice with some of their leadership and management requirements, providing executive coaching for their Head of Capability, Matt Jenkins. Read more about his experience and the immediate impact it made on his career development.
Helping the Ministry of Justice succeed in training thousands of newly qualified probation officers
Find out more about how we supported HM Prison and Probation Service to successfully achieve its targets to recruit additional Probation Officers.
HM Inspectorate of Probation: Audit and training support
Skills for Justice, the UK’s Sector Skills Council for Justice, were approached by HM Inspectorate of Probation to support them on this journey by delivering a package of consultancy support and training solutions.
Non-custodial career and competence framework – NHSE health and justice
Find out about our work in developing a non-custodial career and competence framework.
Skills development in domestic and sexual abuse and violence support services
We supported the development of a new apprenticeship standard to help enhance skills for domestic and sexual abuse support services.
Examining the use of Out of Court Disposals for adults with health vulnerabilities
Skills for Justice worked with partners to conduct a study of how police in England and Wales use Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs) to support adults with health-related vulnerabilities.
Auditing training provision to support effective border force operations
The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) Border Force has bolstered its staff training provision to help increase safety and security at its air and seaports.