Trophies at the 2023 Inspire Justice Awards

The Nomination Process

Thank you for considering making a nomination for one of the many unsung heroes and teams working across the UK’s justice sector. We appreciate the time and effort that goes into submitting any award nomination, which is why we have tried to make the process as simple as possible.

Anyone can submit a nomination across our 13 award categories, whether it be for a colleague, supervisor, manager, family member, partner, friend, or member of the public.

After the nomination period closes on Thursday 4 July, all the submissions will be judged by a panel of industry experts. The shortlisted finalists and their nominators will be notified of their success at the end of July. Finalists will be invited to attend the awards ceremony on Thursday 12 September at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London.

Submit your nomination

Please submit your nomination using the form below. You will be required to enter your details and those of your nominee(s). You will then need to answer three questions about your nominee(s) so we get all the information we need.

You can save your nomination and complete it later but remember to submit your final nomination before the new closing date of Thursday 4 July.

We have provided guidance to help you with the nomination process below the nomination form. If you need further support with submitting your nomination, please get in contact below.

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Nomination Guidance and Tips

Choose an appropriate category

Choose the most appropriate category for your nomination. Read the award criteria carefully before selecting the category for your nomination.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to write the nomination and don't leave it to the last minute. We have included a save and continue option on the nomination form, so you can always come back to complete your nomination over a period of various sessions.

State clearly at the beginning of your nomination, why you think your nominee deserves to win. You can reiterate this at the end of your nomination as well.

Don't assume the reader is an expert in the nominee's area. Spell out or explain any technical terms, and of equal importance don't use jargon. Make sure to write out the meaning of any acronyms you use.

Write in full sentences, and paragraphs, rather than using bullet points.

Remember it's the quality of the nomination that we are judging, not quantity of the nomination. Ensure everything you include is relevant and adds to the depth and evidence of your nomination, rather than just adding to its length.

Avoid generalities, such as "They are a hard worker" or "They are always smiling". Provide specific, detailed evidence to support your nomination of this individual or team.

Remember, it's a team effort! Share the nomination around your team or organisation and get the input of colleagues and leadership to support your claims before submitting. Getting a fresh pair of eyes on the nomination could have a great impact.

Ensure your have checked for spelling and grammar mistakes. Spell check is a great tool to make use of for this. We'd advise getting someone else to proof read your nomination before submitting it too.