Firefighter sitting in vehicle at fire station

Our work

Skills for Justice work is the custodian of the regulated National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the occupations and sectors we work with. These standards define competence in a function, activity or role and underpin a range of HR processes and systems.

Many of the employers we work with use NOS as a common language to support and facilitate consistency, standardisation, transferability and interoperability. Using NOS with other organisational measures creates an objective framework for organisational workforce planning and career development.

Smiling office worker

Our purpose

We are passionate about ensuring employers deliver the highest standards of service through a planned, skilled and competent workforce. Our mission is to improve the way services are delivered through improving operational efficiency, quality and productivity.

Police officer in uniform

Our expertise

We have considerable expertise and experience in supporting organisations with their workforce development challenges and targets. Our expertise includes:

Competence and career frameworks
Design and implementation of qualifications and apprenticeships
Organisational and leadership development
The technical capacity and expertise to support employers and allow employees to excel
Experienced in developing industry-wide training, career and qualification frameworks
Development of apprenticeship standards and sector-specific assessor and IQA training

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Part of The Workforce Development Trust

Fire & Rescue

Our head office

Cheese Lane

Tel: 0117 922 1155