Dr Rowena Hill is a psychologist who works at Nottingham Trent University. Acting as a conduit between the university and external sectors, mainly public sector organisations, she explores opportunities for mutually beneficial research, teaching and knowledge exchange. Rowena has worked extensively with the emergency services and seeks to support them in evidence-based decision making and collaborative research with academia.

John Rogers, Chief Executive, Skills for Justice said: “We are delighted to welcome Rowena to the board. Her range of experience working with organisations across sectors we engage with, and her extensive research focussing on understanding how workforce challenges impact people and society will help us tailor our services to meet the skills development needs of our sectors. We are very much looking forward to working with Rowena to support the pandemic recovery and into the future.”

Rowena’s research portfolio focuses on emergency responders and emergency management, looking to provide insights on the impacts of spillover between work and home environments, and how family structures adapt to protect against this. She sits on many national boards within the blue light sectors and has previously held the role of Trustee for The Fire Fighters Charity. She now holds the position of National Honorary Research Lead for the organisation.

Rowena has wide-ranging experience in quality assurance around learning, in both international and UK contexts, including Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Apprenticeships and Continuing Professional Development courses.

Rowena said: “I’m joining Skills for Justice at the start of a new era, an era of living alongside a pandemic. There will be many challenges and new ways of thinking that we will have to do across our lives, about what we do and how we live. It was great to see as I take up my Trustee position, this organisation was already thinking about how they can help society flourish, and how they can support sectors in this new era”.

Meet all of our board members here and follow Rowena’s work on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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