Our workforce planning solutions

Skills for Justice are widely recognised and referenced nationally for the Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning®. Our team of workforce planning specialists can demonstrate successful, impactful delivery of our workforce development services and can complement your journey with passion, knowledge, and expertise.

Why Skills for Justice?

Skills for Justice are uniquely positioned to offer a managed service model to support organisation wide workforce planning. This service is contextualised to the level of support required by and offers a flexible and scalable provision of resource expertise to deliver again workforce priorities and plans.

What is workforce planning?

Workforce planning is the practice of organisations balancing the supply of people – and their skills – with demand.

Workforce planning aims to identify skills gaps so that an organisation can plan effectively to ensure it has properly skilled employees in the correct roles. This helps to support the organisation in maintaining efficient operations and achieve its goals.

The Six Steps Methodology checklist

Six Steps Methodology checklist

Our Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning® is the perfect foundation for any workforce development programme. Widely recognised and referenced nationally in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the methodology ensures you have a workforce of the right size with the right skills and competencies.

The Six Steps Methodology is available in an “at a glance” checklist format. This format provides practical hints and tips highlighting questions you should consider for each of the steps in the workforce planning process.

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Further workforce planning resources

Explore our other workforce planning resources, including recorded masterclasses and opinion articles.