Q: What motivated you to take up our one-to-one coaching?

So, I’m a qualified coach myself and I’ve been working in leadership development for a number of years and I actually believe that people involved in this area are often the last to receive ongoing support and development.

I was also keen to take up some coaching as I had recently moved into a temporary role which was a grade up from where I had been before. I really wanted the coach to help give me that time to reflect and think about what I’ve learned whilst doing that senior role because I knew that was the level I wanted to get to and that without the coaching and having the opportunity to put time aside in my diary, you just don’t get around to it.

Q: How was the coach able to support you particularly in terms of having that reflection time?

The coach helped me have that discipline of so what’s happened in the last month? What have I learned? How would that be helpful for me going forward if I get an interview for a role at this level. How can I demonstrate that I’ve worked effectively at this level and give myself the best possible chance for promotion.

Q: What was the process like and why Skills for Justice?

We’ve got various access routes to coaching at MoJ, but the Head of Capability at the time said we can access a programme through our membership of Skills for Justice so why don’t you consider that. I know Skills for Justice, I did an interview session for a member event last year, so I dropped them a note and so from my point of view, the process was very, very simple.

To continue reading the full interview, head to our case study.

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