Group of apprentices listening in a classroom

Across the UK, there is a renewed emphasis on apprenticeships as the foundation for workforce development. As of April 2017, all UK employers with annual pay bills of more than ÂŁ3 million a year must pay the levy but importantly will be able to access funding support for training apprentices. The way to access that support is different in each country. Are you equipped to take advantage of this?

Our understanding of complex employer-led apprenticeships in the UK, combined with our knowledge of training and funding, means you can trust us to help you make the most of your budget, and reach your full apprenticeship aspirations.

How we can help you

Skills for Justice can offer you the following support, information, advice and guidance to ensure you don’t miss out on critical funding and help you achieve real, strategic benefits from your engagement with apprenticeships.

Strategy & Preparation

  • Understanding apprenticeships; make the most of the new opportunities available for apprenticeships within your organisation
  • Apprenticeship strategy development (getting organisations started and working to ensure a sustainable and planned approach to utilising apprenticeships for workforce development)

Implementation & Delivery

  • Capability and capacity building – ensuring your staff and managers know how to recruit, support and mentor apprentices for a successful outcome
  • Implementation support – supporting you to embed the principles and practices that deliver a high-quality programme for apprentices within your workforce

Want to find out more?

To find out more, get in touch with our apprenticeships team.

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Part of The Workforce Development Trust

Fire & Rescue

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Cheese Lane

Tel: 0117 922 1155