Learning at Work Week (LAW) is a unique annual event to help build improved learning cultures at work. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development, to help employers use effective resources to make a difference for their workforce. Campaign for Learning coordinates LAW Week nationally and offer additional resources and ideas for learning & development colleagues looking to run creative, innovative and inclusive activities as part of their Learning at Work Week campaigns.

This year’s theme is ‘Made for Learning’, which focuses on our human capacity to learn. It is based on raising awareness around how we can be great lifelong learners and the importance of connection and community for developing empowered people and dynamic organisations, built on three pillars of learning.

Human = Learning

Human = Curiosity

Human = Connecting

During LAW we will look at each of these pillars in more detail and share the LAW activities of Skills for Justice Members, based on each theme.

Human = Learning

Every day is a school day, learning never stops. There are a lot of different ways to learn, and every person has their own needs and learning styles. It is important for an organisation to acknowledge that. One person might benefit from elearning courses or reading reports and research findings where another person might need human interaction to learn, and a third person might benefit from a blended approach.

Skills for Justice Member, Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) are supporting LAW 2021, with a fantastic programme that suits all types of learners for Learning at Work Week. In November 2020, NIFRS became an Approved Centre with The Institute of Leadership & Management, and during LAW they will promote the linked courses as well as CPD for both uniformed and non-uniformed employees within the Fire Service. Employees will be given opportunities to reflect on learning interventions to improve team performance and promotion. NIFRS also recently launched their new Learning Management System, LMS Ignite, which will support staff to access various webinars and inspiring TED Talks for their continuous development.

The OD Team at NIFRS said: “NIFRS is committed to developing its people and developing the skills of our workforce. We are committed to providing excellent learning and development opportunities for our people to ensure competence in the role and structured approaches to managing talent and succession planning. Through participation in Learning at Work Week, NIFRS will give our people the opportunity to consider their learning needs, the knowledge gaps within their teams and how we can further develop to ensure we meet our strategic objectives across the service.”

Our team of passionate workforce development specialists have curated a range of high quality, free resources for individuals and employers, to access any time, around your schedule, throughout and after Learning at Work Week to suit different learning styles and needs. Access our resources here.

membership with Skills for Justice is a key asset if you are an organisation that values continual learning and workforce development. By becoming a member, you will unlock a wealth of knowledge and resources to help transform your organisation along with guidance from our experts when facing sector challenges and the implementation of new policies.

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