Group of apprentices in a classroom making notes

Our years of experience in developing and supporting apprenticeships, means we have the expertise to assist organisations in the justice sector deliver a seamless apprenticeship programme which integrates with long-term workforce and training goals. Our aim is to ensure you make the most of apprenticeship and funding opportunities.

Young police officer working in uniform

How we can help

  • Apprenticeship standards
  • Expert workforce development
  • Trusted quality assurance
  • Being ‘apprenticeship-ready’
  • Ofsted preparation
  • Coaching and mentoring
Trainer working with apprentice

Apprenticeships, helping you on your journey to success

Our expert team will be with you every step of the way, to provide you with the support you need to make your apprenticeship offering effective and successful.

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Part of The Workforce Development Trust

Fire & Rescue

Our head office

Cheese Lane

Tel: 0117 922 1155