Published by Skills for Justice
How to build a coaching culture – a justice perspective
Date 17.07.23
Our coaching culture webinar “How to build a coaching culture – a justice perspective” looked at how employers can go about creating and applying an organisational mindset focused on support, nurturing and shared learning, and the impact this can have on performance and service delivery.
This webinar is now available to watch on-demand.
Access the event on-demand and download the session slides ↓
The wellbeing of public service workplaces has been brought under the spotlight in recent months. Creating and embedding a coaching culture can go a long way to mitigating a number of workforce issues currently gripping the wider justice sector.
The learning outcomes of this event are:
- Understand the meaning and importance of a coaching culture
- How to create a coaching culture in a justice setting – the key enablers and blockers
- How coaching culture can impact organisational performance
- Approaches to coaching and how they can be effectively integrated into an organisation
- The future of coaching – accreditation and training
This webinar expertise from our Leadership, Management and Organisational Development team. Speakers included:
- Chris Burling, Principal Consultant
- Sharon Nash, Senior Consultant
- Dani Yeomans, Practice Consultant
And more!
Access this event on-demand and download the session slides
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